I am pleased to announce that Grihalakhmi movie has now been released online for all the Sahaja Yogis and Seekers to watch, enjoy, and attain their Self-Realisation.
First please hear this video with a clear message for all. Click on link below
You are requested adhere to the Sahaja protocols from your Heart while watching the film. Listen with complete respect when Shri Mataji’s speaking and giving Self-Realisation.
https://vimeo.com/469746580 IT IS PASSWORD PROTECTED
Get password via Whatsapp no. +91 98112 03017
or email -immaculateihf@gmail.com
Share the beautiful experience of Self-Realisation with everyone by showing the film to seekers of truth around the world.
Grihalakshmi -The Awakening is yours to be used with complete discretion.
Once you receive the Password, please do not share it with anyone unauthorized, but genuine Sahaja Yogis who have the desire to spread Sahaja Yoga through it. This film is being made available to you for free, so please value this precious freedom. Do not copy or try to download the film. It is against protocol.
We trust your discretion, and that is why we are sharing the film with you. Only those who genuinely want to use the film for granting Self Realisation to others, may please write to the above given WhatsApp Nr & email I’d. Await further instructions on the matter. You will be given a password to watch & show the film to your near and dear ones and those you care for. For more information please visit our Website: www.iihf.in
Sanjay Roshan Talwar
Managing Trustee
Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation
For Support & Queries, please email: immaculateihf@gmail.com
Downloading or Modification in any form or shape is strictly prohibited and in violation to the copyright laws. Issued in interest of all responsible Sahaja Yogis
Jai Shree Mataji