Come and Experience the Divine Within – A Musical Journey

Article By Armaity Bhabha

Last few days have been a real musical bonanza for me, as I got to attend, not just one but two wonderful music programs, a day apart from each other…. where it literally rained vibrations along with a treat which was not just a feast for the ears… but where I got rewarded with an absolute open “sahasrara”, the ultimate test of any true music… adressed to the Divine.

The first program “MYSTIC MINSTRELS” was organized by my music school “Shahana School of Rabindra Sangeet”….a presentation of the Baul music of Bengal and its influence on Rabindranath Tagore and his music by the students and teachers of Shahana, followed by Punjabi Sufi Kalaams of Syed Abdullah Shah Qadri, popularly known as Bulleh Shah who was a Mughal-era Punjabi Islamic philosopher and Sufi poet, presented by artist Radhika Sood Nayak.

The second program “THE DIVINE MOTHER”… was a production from the “Theatre of Divine Values”, by the Divine Symphony Orchestra, in collaboration with A.R. Rehman’s Sunshine Orchestra featuring singers, soloists and instrumentalists from India and across the world representing the global Sahaja Yoga family.

For me, the first program “Mystic Minstrels” represented the beginning of a seeker’s journey where he is yet to discover the Divine, and only through a series of experimentation can he hope to find it finally within himself, to quench that undeniable thirst that has taken a root inside him.

The second program “The Divine Mother”, celebrating the life of H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, was a logical conclusion to that absolute seeking that has progressed within.

“Come and Experience the Divine Within” was a call given through this musical journey to those who had yet to find answers to their ardent seeking… of getting to know their own spirits by getting connected with it in this lifetime. The highest form of joy “Niranand” was conveyed through music by the practitioners of Sahaja Yoga, coming from different parts of the globe, representing diverse musical traditions, separately as well as by a spontaneous (sahaja) fusion of different styles, held together as a unified whole by the direct experience of their own spirits, which is ultimately universal and one.

For me, the two programs represented a logical conclusion of the seeker’s journey…. beginning with his desire to get connected to the source from which it comes and finally finding fulfillment by direct experience with the actualization of that pure desire within.


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