Attention and Global Presence:

Constant Attention:

  • Shri Mataji expresses that her attention is consistently focused on Sahaja Yogis globally.
  • The attention is vigilant, addressing any deviations, upsets, or disturbances among practitioners.

Global Perspective:

  • The attention is not limited to a specific individual or group but extends globally.
  • Shri Mataji’s awareness spans across different locations, responding to the needs of Sahaja Yogis worldwide.

Immediate Awareness:

  • Whenever there is an issue or deviation, Shri Mataji immediately senses it through her global attention.
  • This heightened awareness allows for timely intervention and support.

Wisdom and Paramchaitanya:

Wisdom through Attention:

  • Shri Mataji emphasizes that her attention embodies wisdom.
  • This wisdom spreads comprehensively, providing insights into the well-being of individuals and Sahaja Yoga organizations.

Understanding Others:

  • The wisdom derived from attention enables an understanding of the challenges faced by others.
  • Shri Mataji effortlessly perceives the state of individuals and organizations within Sahaja Yoga.

Reliance on Paramchaitanya:

Paramchaitanya’s Role:

  • Shri Mataji encourages practitioners to entrust everything to Paramchaitanya.
  • Paramchaitanya is described as the all-encompassing force that understands, organizes, and manages every aspect of life.

Real Knowledge Within:

  • The ability to leave everything to Paramchaitanya indicates the realization of Real Knowledge within.
  • It signifies a deep connection with the divine energy that governs and orchestrates all aspects of existence.

Coincidences and Organized Events:

Paramchaitanya’s Organization:

  • Shri Mataji reveals that what people commonly perceive as coincidences are, in fact, organized by Paramchaitanya.
  • This emphasizes the divine orchestration behind seemingly random events.

Management by Paramchaitanya:

  • Paramchaitanya, as described, actively manages and coordinates events, circumstances, and occurrences.
  • The term “coincidences” is redefined as manifestations of Paramchaitanya’s organization.
Extracted From::
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
7th Day of Navaratri, You all should depend on Paramchaitanya
Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)
September 27th, 1998

You see my attention is always around you people. Always dealing with you. And how I know is this, that this attention of mine is global. So anything happens to you, any upsetting takes place, any, I should say deviation takes place – my attention is there. And Immediately I know there is something wrong somewhere and I don’t know how my attention goes to particular places which makes life better – it helps people in need. I don’t do anything about this attention but this attention is the wisdom. The wisdom that spreads all over. With that wisdom you know what’s wrong with another person or any other organisation that is in Sahaja Yoga. Everything you come to know.
This is the main point is: that, can you leave everything to Paramchaitanya in your wisdom? If you cannot then yet you have not felt the Real Knowledge within you.
Everything happens, just the Paramchaitanya knows, It understands, It organises, It loves, It does everything. That’s the energy It is. It does everything. And how It manages! How we call coincidences, are really organised by Paramchaitanya.
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
7th Day of Navaratri,
You all should depend on Paramchaitanya Campus,
Cabella Ligure (Italy) September 27th, 1998

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