Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation
Embarks on a Music & Meditation Journey in collaboration with the United States Collective.

One of the things that please western people is music. They have an ear for music, no doubt. And if you have to reach to them you have to sing that song but with depth and feelings. You have to sing a song with very great depth and feeling, Everything should come from your heart you see, then it goes into them. otherwise does not, must come from your heart. When you sing you must practice it in such a way that you sing it from your heart.

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ~ Reaching People With Music
Englewood Ashram, New Jersey (United States) | June 2nd, 1985

Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation
Embarks on a Music & Meditation Journey in collaboration with the United States Collective.
Monday August 30, 4:30 PM IST & 7 AM EST.
May the music speak through our hearts.
Stay Tuned.


Invitation from IIHF in English:

Invitation from IIHF in Hindi:

इमैक्युलेट आइडियल ह्यूमन फाउंडेशन ( ने श्री कृष्ण पूजा के स्मरणोत्सव के लिए दुनिया भर के सहज योगियों के साथ संगीत और ध्यान सहयोग का शुभारंभ किया।

हमारा पहला कार्यक्रम अमेरिकी सामूहिकता और भारतीय योगी पहल के सहयोग से सोमवार 30 अगस्त को शाम ४ :३० बजे (भारतीय समय अनुसार) और प्रातः काल ७ बजे (अमरीका समय अनुसार) के लिए निर्धारित है।

जय श्री माताजी

YouTube link to watch the program Live:

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